What is this?

This is a free web application for checking / verifying Shariah status (Halal, Haram, Mushbooh) of E Code (food ingredient codes).

Data source?

Most of shariah recommendations and food ingredient information are collected from Muslim Consumer Group. (May Allah bless Syed Rasheeduddin Ahmed with best rewards for allowing us).
Also some cautions and comments are taken from the following sources -

  • mailofislam.com : These Information extracted based on Halal Committee, Jamiat Ulama-E-Maharashtra, a state unit of Jamiat Ulama-E-Hind​.
  • Dr. M. Amjad Khan: From Medical Research Institute, USA. We've taken his recommendations on avoiding ingredients processed from PIG fat.

In case of the following ingredients, even though they were marked as HALAL (with caution) by Syed Rasheeduddin Ahmed (muslimconsumergroup.com), we flagged them as MUSHBOOH (doubtful) based on observations of Dr. M. Amjad Khan's. Our intention is to keep us on safe side by focusing on other details and cautions of those items. -
E110, E153, E210, E213, E214, E216, E234, E252, E270, E280, E325, E326, E327, E440a, E440b

Contact / Suggestion / Report

Feel free to contact me at ajaxray.com or send a message to @ajaxray